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Results for possible lupus

ANA 1.80 speckled pattern
CCP 25 TO 30 Positive
Joint muscle pain extreme fatigue, brain fog
But had no butterfly rash .
5 years later have a butterfly blushing hair loss .rheumatologist. said fibromyalgia 5 years ago due to no rash .but will relook if rash ever appears..
My gp gas just sent a letter to rheumatologist to rebook at this ..
Any one got any advice
Thank you

Blush malya rash

  1. I'm glad to hear that your GP is advocating for your rheumatologist to reevaluate! They really should know that lupus doesn't look the same on everyone...not every person with lupus ends up experiencing the butterfly rash. Many people are misdiagnosed with fibromyalgia along their way to learning about lupus: We have a free downloadable symptom tracker you might be interested in checking out to help you track what you are experiencing and share with your rheumatologist: If you don't feel that they are taking your concerns seriously, remember you are always entitled to a second opinion!
    Sending gentle hugs to you,
    Gabby (team member)

    1. 15 years ago when I was first dx, I had the butterfly rash, positive ANA, speckled pattern, loss of cognitive skills, horrible pain. Considered drug induced, but when I stopped TNF meds for my psoriasis, lupus never went away. After many years of treatment with many meds and finally 3 yrs of benlysta infusions, I finally went into a wonderful 5 year remission. So much so I tempted fate and got too much sun and lost my remission. It took 7 months of almost bedridden fatigue, pain, hair loss, high steroids to feel my flare was finally easing. As I had moved in that time of remission, my new rhuemy re ran my was no longer positive. And I no longer had my butterfly rash....I'm confused too.

      1. , No two lupus journies look the same...I'm sorry to hear you got to experience years of remission, only to have it taken away. How have you been feeling lately?
        Gabby (team member)

    2. What is CCP?

      1. ,
        CCP (stands for Cyclic citrullinated peptide) is a blood test that measures antibodies in the blood. It is a diagnostic marker for RA as well as many other auto-immune disorders. ~Doreen (Team Member)

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