I experienced a grand Mal seizure. I have tested positive for ana antibodies. I have psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. Neurological tests(brain mri,eeg,CT scan,etc) are negative. I know there could be a connection. Looking for any feedback. Thanks!
Racquel H. Dozier Member
Last Updated:
so sorry you experienced that. That had to be so scary to deal with. I know with some people that have neurological issues can experience seizures. Here is an article that can explain it a little.
~Racquel~ team member
CommunityMember58f9f4 Member
Last Updated:
Thank you! My rheumatologist told me the Keppra I'm taking will help seizures if it is determined it is lupus related. That is a relief that I'm doing all I can at this time. Thanks again!
Erin Rush Community Admin
Last Updated:
Hi, !
I hope you get some answers as to what caused the seizure and that you never experience another one! I bet you already know that it's not uncommon to be diagnosed with another autoimmune condition once you are diagnosed with one (like PsA and Psoriasis). Again, I hope your doctor is able to get to the bottom of things, and quickly!