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Covid long hauler and lupus

I am an 80 year old man being tested now for lupus, and the probability is high that I have the disease. I'm a covid long hauler, and thought the symptoms that I have were covid related. Any member also a long hauler? Is it important to know which disease caused which problem?

  1. I'm sorry you are in the midst of dealing with both long covid symptoms and a (probable) new lupus diagnosis. While I do not have that shared experience, it is something some people in the community have shared about. At this time, there is not adequate research about the impact covid has had on lupus symptoms or diagnosis. There has been research about the impact of epstein barr virus and lupus: Obviously, covid-19 and epstein barr are very different conditions, but it is interesting to consider how some viruses may play a role in lupus. Keep us updated with how things go! This article has some tips from other community members of things they wished they knew when they were first diagnosed: I hope this helps!
    Gabby (team member)

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