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RA and CRP Tests

Hello. I took 400 mg of Advil around 9 hours before having rheumatoid factor (RA) and C Reactive Protein (CRP)blood tests. Does anyone know whether that might have lowered the results of either? I won't be seeing my doctor for a week but have seen my results, and would love some insight. Thank you!

  1. To my knowledge NSAIDs do not have an impact on those test results. But if you are concerned make sure to bring it up to your de when you see them. Sorry that this wasn’t super helpful.

    Amber ( team moderator)

    1. Thank you. I will ask her this week.

  2. From my understanding Advil will only help with RA symptoms. I've never heard of it having any effect on blood tests. I would definitely mention it to your doctor upon your visit. ~Racquel~ member

    1. Thank you. I will ask her this week, then update my post.

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